Terms of use

FORCE Bridge API is the open industry standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing. The API may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) by any IoT vendor, even commercial.

In accordance with these license conditions, in particular "FORCE Bridge API" must be specified as the title of the API and a copyright notice, a license notice and a link to https://docs.forcebridge.io/api/ must be provided.

With the release and publication of FORCE Bridge API, the organizational interoperability of all applications, IT systems and people in a production environment should be ensured by an open standard. The names of the models used in the Swagger specification can be adapted to one's own implementation, while changes in the names of resources and their properties lead to incompatibility. Of course, not all interfaces need to be implemented. The API can also be partially adopted as long as it is pointed out that individual resources or access methods are missing.

The further development of FORCE Bridge API takes place collaboratively in the FORCE Bridge Community with the participation of various partners and stakeholders. In the interest of end-users and solution providers, the downward compatibility to all previous versions up to the initial version 1.0 is a special framework condition for the further development of the API.

For functional and technical questions about FORCE Bridge API, a question and answer portal is available under https://forcebridge.io.